Welcome to the Mirror's Edge Archive, the source of roughly 2500 files, totaling over 50 GB of high-quality resources, like concept art, beta footage, news reports, developer presentations and fan projects. Please resepct the following fair-use rules:

  • This service is provided free of charge, therefore we can not provide any guarantee of availability.
  • Links to this archive may change any time.

Contents in this archive may be protected by applicable copyright laws. The inclusion does not imply that we represent these contents as our intellectual property. Applicable copyright and/or licensing terms should be considered before using, distributing or adapting any potentially copyrighted content. All rights remain with the original owners. This non-profit, open-source project is for entertainment purposes only and not affiliated with EA Digital Illusions CE, Electronic Arts or the Mirror's Edge franchise. Mirror's Edge is a registered trademark of EA Digital Illusions CE. All trademarks and registered trademarks belong to their respective owners.